Contact information

  • Address: Petraki 9
  • Postal code (ZIP): 10563
  • City/Location: Athens
  • Phone: +302103255433


MET34 Athens is about 45 minutes away by car from the Athens International Airport.
Take the Attiki Odos highway towards to Elefsina and then take the exit to Messoghion Avenue.
Turn left at the traffic lights and follow the road into the City Centre.
Take Vassilisis Sofias Avenue until Syntagma Square and turn to the left at Vassileos Georgiou street.
Make the half round of the square and turn to the right at Mitropoleos street.
Go straight for 100 meters, make a right on Pentelis street and then a left on Petraki street and you will see our property on the left side of the street.
Otherwise, you can easily reach us by taxi; the cost is 38 € per car (54 euros for arrival from 00.00′ until 05.00′).